Weiterführende Links zu den

Tänzen des Universellen Friedens


Abwoon Resource Center - Resources and events on the Aramaic Jesus and the Dance work of Saadi Neil Douglas-Klotz

Centrum Universel - An e-book version of the message volumes and sayings of Hazrat Inayat Khan in English and German

Dances of Universal Peace Regions/Networks - Links and Contacts Worldwide

Dance Musicianship Links - On the DUP North America Website

MansurJohnson.com - Downloadable photos of Murshid Samuel Lewis for sale.

Murshid: A Personal Memoir of Life with American Sufi Samuel L. Lewis - Link to book by Mansur Johnson, one of Murshid Sam's original disciples.

MurshidSam.org - A library of Murshid Samuel Lewis' esoteric papers, correspondence, letters and recorded talks

Omega Publications - The publishing outlet of the Sufi Order of the West featuring many works by Hazrat Inayat Khan and others.

Oneness Project - A Dances of Universal Peace organization offering camps and retreats in the Pacific NW USA, and small grants to support Dance projects.

SacredTexts.com - A enormous, searchable resource of sacred texts from many traditions.

Sufimessage.com - The complete works of Hazrat Inayat Khan on line

Sufi Ruhaniat International - The Sufi Order founded by Murshid Samuel Lewis


Links to Personal Web Sites of Dance Leaders



Saadi Neil Douglas-Klotz - Schotland, GroßBritannien

Anahata Iradah - Georgia, USA

Barbara Swetina - Schotland, GroßBritannien

Bernie Heideman - USA

Darvesha MacDonald - New Mexico, USA

Glen Burden - Deutschland/Andorra

Grace Marie - Colorado, USA

John Rees - England, GroßBritannien

Josine Zon - Frankreich

Khabir Christian Mayer-Glauninger – Deutschland

Lida Chrastanska - Tsechien

Muiz Brinkerhoff - USA

Narayan Eric Waldman - USA

Noor Helweg - Niederlände

Philip O'Donohoe - England, GroßBritannien

Raaja Hakim Fischer - Deutschland

Rahima Jena Tara - Aotearoa/Neuzealand

Ralph Nimmann - England, GroßBritannien

Sally Azima Mabelle - Neuzealand

Shivadam Adam Burke - Arizona, USA

Sky Majida Roshay - Arizona, USA

Tara Andrea & Maboud Swierkosz - New Mexico, USA

Wali & Arienne van der Zwan - Niederlände

Zahir Orest (USA) - sufi guitar lessons on Youtube

Zubin Nur Westrik - Niederlände




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