


Dances of Universal Peace International
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes


This page contains links to .pdf files of Dances of Universal Peace International board meeting minutes held since the reorganization begun in 2009.

Policies pertaining to ongoing board operation can be viewed here.


April 2024 In the April meeting, we reviewed our budget and compared expenditures with the year's budget. We also reviewed our Profit and loss statement and asked for an additional revision by our accountant. The revision has now been published in the linked documents. Our projects presented their advances, and the migration project announced hiring an assistant to migrate the dance library. The Beyond initiative explained plans for Africa, and the grants program announced a much bigger movement for 2024 than 2023. Improving some of the policies for the grants program emerged as an issue, and some directors offered to help.
February 2024 In the Feb 6 meeting, we compared our 2023 and 2024 budgets, finding that our finances are healthy. The executive director presented results on the research for internet platform improvement, image design contest results, and savings in office expenses. Small grants program informed about 2023 achievement disbursing 43 grants and Beyond initiative presented a summary of achievements for 2023 and purposes for 2024. Rukmini Virginia Miller ended her term on the board, and no new members were elected.
November 2023 Approved finances to end of October; approved Small Grants budget for 2024; approved a budget for 2024 and the plan for the Migration project.
September 2023 Approved minutes of meetings held in April, May and June; welcomed Vakil Carlos Rojas as the new Executive Director; noted with gratitude an update on finances; clarified the responsibility for the dance caravans.

April 2023 Board meeting

Approved finances to Feb 2023; discussed resourcing for the expanding work of the organization; welcomed updates on the Small Grants Program and Beyond initiative.

April 2023 Annual meeting

Approved officers for 2023-2024
Approved financial statement for 2023

January 2023

Approved the financial report for 2022, an update to the bylaws, and the budget for 2023, including support for the Beyond Initiative in 2023. Noted the trademark determination for the Dances of Universal Peace.
November 2022 Approved financial reports on core activity, Small Grants Program and Beyond Initiative. Agreed the small grants budget for 2023; welcomed the seeding of the Dances in parts of Asia.
September 2022 Approved financial statements and decisions agreed since April meeting. Received updates on the Small Grants Program and Beyond Initiative. Confirmed a sociocratic approach to decision-making.
April 2022 BoD Finances are within budget. 40th anniversary of the start of the dances was celebrated online in February. The Small Grants Program (cycle 2) is open for applications.
April 2022 Annual meeting

Approved officers for 2022-2023.
Approved financial statement for 2021.

February 2022 2021 financial results were within budget. A budget for 2022 was agreed. An update was provided on copyright. Many dance write-ups are being added to the resource library.
November 2021

Financial outcomes to November are within expectations. Investment options for small grants funds are kept under review. The small grants program will open for applications on January 3. A global conference of the Beyond initiative is scheduled for December 2.

September 2021 Finances are within budget. First cycle of small grants has been completed. Work continues on protecting copyright in the DUP IN logo. The Beyond initiative is planning the program for 2022.

April 2021 BoD

Finances are within budget.
Small grants program has been approved for implementation.

April 2021 Annual meeting

Approved officers for 2021-2022.
Approved financial statement for 2020.

February 2021 Finances are in line with budget. Budget for 2021 was approved. Interim investments are in place for an award program.
Procedures have been updated for business continuity.
November 2020 BoD Finances are in line with budget. Grants Committee and investment are paused pending more stable market conditions.
A new email forum for mentors has been set up. Funds are still available for fee support.

September 2020 BoD
Finances are within budget. BoD approved a Grants Committee and Grants Manager post in preparation for an awards program during 2021. Funds available for fee support. Many new dance write-ups added to the resource library.

April 2020 BoD
Finances are as budgeted. BoD approved taking on a grant-awarding function and funds from Oneness Project.
Organizational resilience has been reviewed in light of the coronavirus pandemic, but longer term impact on DUP and DUP IN are unclear as yet.
April 2020 Annual meeting
Approved officers for 2020 - 2021.
Approved financial statement for 2019.

January 2020
Finances are still robust. The Beyond initiative has been self-financing in 2019. Budget approved for 2020. Teleconference on engaged sufism reached >200 people.
November 2019
Finances are on budget; the Beyond initiative is reaching parts of Asia and Africa; discussions with Oneness Project on grant admin.
September 2019 Finances are on budget; dance leader training is continuing in the Middle East (Beyond initiative). More walks videos have been added to the dance resource library.
April 2019 BoD
Finances are on budget; the Beyond initiative is moving beyond the Middle East; website developments include further walks videos added to the resource library.
April 2019 Annual meeting

Approved officers for 2019-2020.

Approved finance statement for 2018.

BoD thanked Munir Reynolds for all his service on the Board and as ED.

January 2019 BoD
BoD thanked Martha Bracken for 25 years' service. Finances are on budget; the Beyond initiative has raised extra funds and continues to seed the Dances in new areas. Plans are in place for the Feb 13 teleconference with details of forthcoming events in the Beyond program.
November 2018 BoD
Finances are on budget. Updates on the Initiatives caravan to the Middle East, including a planned teleconference on February 13 at 18.00 UTC.
September 2018 BoD
Finances are on budget; updates on the Initiatives caravan to the Middle East, the new dance resources on walks and spins and the complementary roles of DUP IN and DUP NA.
April 2018 BoD
Finances are on budget; plans in place for 50th anniversary of the Dances, a new server and data protection compliance.
April 2018 Annual meeting

Approved officers for 2018-2019.

Approved finance statement for 2017.

February 2018

Received financial report for 2017: on budget

Reported on IT improvements and plans for 50th anniversary of the Dances

November 2017

Received financial report for year to date: on budget

Updated on LG fee renewals, outreach project and possible seventh language for DUP IN resources.

September 2017

Received financial report for year to date: on budget

Reported on improvements in access to audio files, plans to increase the number of dance write-ups.

Thanked Sky Roshay for her work as Community Co-ordinator.

May 2 BoD


Received financial report for year to date: on budget

Reported on improvements in website security and access to audio files

Approved plans for an Initiatives Fund

May 2

Annual meeting

Approved officers for 2017-18.

Approved finance statement for 2016.

February 2017

Received financial report for year ending December 2016. With the increase in leader's fee to $36, DUP IN is now sustainable from current revenues. Agreed the budget for 2017 and Nominating Committee for Board vacancies.

Agreed goals for 2017 including increasing the number of dance write-ups, expanding the resources available in languages other than English, and a program to seek feedback on our plans and activities.



November 2016

Received financial reports on year to October 2016: finances still robust;

ED reported on dialogue with Russian leaders, updated on communications using Facebook and mobile phones;

Outlined goals for 2017, including increased diversity of dance write-ups, and obtaining feedback from leaders at events.

September 2016

Received financial report on year to end August - net surplus secures our financial position

ED reported on communications (facebook, mobile phone initiatives), Portuguese website developments, fee support by country

Agreed to highlight youth activity  (Sufi Youth Council) on website

Thanked Martha for her work on fee changes

April 12 BoD meeting


Received financial report on year to date - on budget

ED reported on update to Leader Guidelines and Foundation manual, and mentor teleconference.

Explored opportunities for Board members to contribute in more depth to organisational goals and priorities.

April 12 Annual meeting

Approved officers for 2016-17

Approved financial statement for 2015

Thanked Munir for his many years of exceptional service as Executive Director.

February 9

Received and approved financial accounts for the calendar year 2015, and a report from the Executive Director on his first 6 weeks in post, noting that an update to the leader guidelines is in preparation.

Guidance Council report, including plans for a teleconference of mentors.

Confirmed the nomination process for Board appointments at the April annual meeting.

Opened discussion on opportunities for Board members to contribute in more depth to organizational goals and priorities.

December 1

Received financial report on year to date - on budget.

Approved 2016 budget and goals and activities.

Agreed actions to consolidate WW fee income.

Updated on Executive Director search.

Rashid continues to moderate the facebook group.

Executive Director's report included an update on the fee increase to 36$.

September 8

Received financial reports for the year through August 28

Executive Director's report on the new website design going on line

Discussion regarding establishing a DUP IN Facebook group

Guidance Council report

April 28

Welcomed new Board members Rashid Andrew Hall (NZ) and Zarifah Spain (USA), and expressed gratitude to departing member DiAnahita Kanoy (USA)

Approved the following officers for 2015-16: President – Darvesha Victoria MacDonald; Vice-President – Maris Warrior, Secretary/Treasurer – Kabir Stuart McKinnon

Reviewed Financial Reports for January 1 - March 31, 2015

Received a report from the Executive Director

Received the initial report of a new Communications Committee, which is giving focus and leadership in exploring needs and opportunities for communications with Leaders Guild members worldwide

February 3

Approved 2014 financial report - results were on budget; also 2015 budget, moving towards a balance of income and expenditure, with adjusted staff hours, and appreciation for Executive Director's fund-raising results. Reviewed 2015 goals and activities.

Set up Communications and Networking committees

Guidance Council: noted that Murshid Saadi succeeds Murshid Tansen.




November 18


Received 3rd quarter financial reports

Guidance Council Report

Fundraising Report

Executive Director's Report

Bylaws revision, increasing size of board by one member


September 18

Approved minutes

Financial Reports

Adopt Planning Committee Report and Recommendations

Fundraising Report

April 8

Annual Meeting

Report on 2013 finances

Election of Officers and Board

Regular Meeting

1st Qtr Financial Reports

Exec Director's Report

Guidance Council Report

Planning Committee Report

February 11

2014 Budget, Mission and Goals

Guidance Council report

Invoicing of NA Leaders

Nominating Committee

2013 Key Business or Action Items
November 19

Financial reports

Guidance Council Report

Changes at DUPNA

Implementation of new PayPal options

Logo dispute

September 24

Financial Reports

Administrative Committee Report

Guidance Council report

Changes at DUP North America

Leaders Guild Meetings Summer 2013

April 23

Received Nominating Committee report

Elected officers and directors

Reviewed 2012 financial reports

Reviewed 1st Quarter 2013 budget reports

Discussed the administrative commitee report

Guidance Council report

Executive Director's report

February 12

Approval of Minutes from November 20, 2012

Received Financial reports from Year 2012

Approved 2013 Budget and Goals and Activities

Approved formation of Nominating Committee

Reviewed Leaders Guild Statistics for Year end 2012

Guidance Council report

2012 Key Business or Action Items
November 20

Approval of Minutes from September 18

Financial Statements as of October 31, 2012

Draft resolution on Charity Non-Profit Registration.
Executive Director’s Report - Munir
Visioning Document distribution
Jamiat Khas Report
Musician’s log-in discussion

Guidance Council Report – Darvesha and Munir
Proposed meeting schedule for 2013.

September 18

Approval of Minutes from April 26

Discussion of Visioning Document

Administrative Committee report

April 26 Approval of Minutes from February 7, 2012
2012 Financial Reports January 1 – March 30, 2012
Administrative Committee (Munir, Darvesha, Kabir) Motion
Executive Director’s Report
Guidance Council Report
Welcome to New Board members
Remaining Board meeting dates in 2012
February 7

Financial Reports

Fund Drive Update

Nominating Committee

Guidance Council Report

Executive Director’s Report
a. Leaders Guild Rejuvenation Project (see attached plan)
b. Leaders Guild Statistics

2012 Board Meeting Schedule

2011 Key Business or Action Items
December 13 Financial Reports
Nominating Committee
Guidance Council Report
Executive Director’s Report
2012 Board Meeting Schedule
September 13 Financial Reports
Fund Drive Planning
Executive Director’s Report
Community Coordinator Report – A report on work accomplished to date in contacting lapsed members and leaders
Guidance Council Report
Next meeting date

May 10
Approve By-laws Changes
Executive Director’s report
Financial Reports
Community Coordinator Position
Establish Fundraising Committee
Next meeting date
February 8

Financial reports

Administrative Committee Meetings

Year 2011 Goals

Guidance Council Update

2010 Key Business or Action Items
December 14 Approval of Minutes from October 12, 2010 (attached)
Financial Report
Approval of 2011 Goals and Activities
Approval of 2011 Budget
NA/IN Lapsed Member Calls report (information only
Website Updates and Additions.
October 12 Approval of Minutes from September 14. 2010
Review of achievements this year toward 2010 goals and objectives
Discussion of draft 2011 goals, programs and initiatives
2011 Fundraising focusing on the Leaders Guild
Announcement of new DUP International Website
September 14

Financial Documents to date Review

Name Change to Dances of Universal Peace International

Fundraising Discussion

Goals and Objectives for 2011

Website Update (information)

MTG Guidance Council Report to the IN board

Memberships Dues Question

June 8

Financial Reports: 2009 Year End, 2010 Year to Date
Financial Housecleaning: reclassification of Balance Sheet items

Regions task force report and approval of regions policy;
Communications - report on quarterly Leaders Guild e-newsletters
Approval of a communications plan;
Presentation of a way forward to contact Ruhaniat leaders who have not paid dues in the past to join the Dance network;
Adoption of “Dances of Universal Peace International” as the working name of the organization;
Discussion about logo use under the new logo policy;
Gift of Wisdom Comes Dancing books to Kamae Miller

April 20

Annual Meeting

Financial Reports - 2010 Year to Date and Balance Sheet

Possible Name Change

Websites Update

Communications, Dues, Draft Regions Policy (Regions Task Group Report)

MTG Guidelines

March 9

Seattle Office Closing

New Website Update

New Certification Guidelines Distributed

Old Website

Communications, Dues, Regions and other issues

Administrative Committee Meeting

Chilean Telecon

February 9

Rough Draft Financial Statements Dec 31, 2009

Logo Policy (Action item)

Pubs update

Historical Materials from SRI

Bylaws Revisions

Leader Guild Dues & Issues

2010 Budget /Goals and Objectives

Support from Oneness Project

Telecon with Russian Community


Website Draft Welcome and Home Pages

January 12

Pubs update

Bylaws Revisions

2010 Budget

Leader Guild Dues

2010 Goals and Objectives

Request for Support from Oneness Project

2009 Key Business or Action Items
December 8

Pubs update

Regional Telelcons and Dues Discussion

New Bylaws

2010 Budget

Request for Support from Oneness Project

November 10

IN Website – update

DUPNA In-Body meeting

Pubs Proposals including Pubs Goals

New Bylaws and Annual Meeting

Next Meetings

PW Inc regional telecons

October 21

New Bylaws

Annual Meeting

Election of Interim Officers

Alima Stoeckel as German Advisor

IN Website – update

Pubs Proposals, including Pubs Goals

Foundation Manual

PW Inc regional telecons

Committee Assignments

October 14

Discussion of Notes and/or Minutes decision

Discussion of usefulness of Backgrounder

Kabir McKinnon as Interim Treasurer – update

Alima Stoeckel as Advisor

IN Website – update

Pubs Proposal

Upcoming PW Inc regional telecons

New Bylaws

October 7

Discussion of Distribution List

Kabir McKinnon as Interim Treasurer

IN Website

Discussion of Unity Council Recommendations

Pubs discussion

Upcoming PW Inc BOD telecons

September 29

Note on BOD recruitment

Key Tasks/Issues

Interim Treasurer

IN Website

Unity Council Recommendations

Upcoming PW Inc BOD telecons

September 22

Announcement to Advisory Council re Annual Meeting

Board of Directors

Possible Discussion of Items to Pass on to New BOD



